08/12/12 17:52 Filed in:
StudioFor some time I have had the idea of taking my Bowens studio lights and run over to my father's place and take a few photos. Finally it happened one afternoon in the beginning of December. This was pretty good timing because at that time of year the daylight disappears pretty quickly. I didn't want any disturbing light as I was planning to work in his apartment.
Most photos were taken with a single light using a gridded beauty dish modifier. This was the result after some tweaking and adjustments in Photoshop. 07/09/12 17:45 Filed in:
MotorsportCum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ut felis lectus. Proin scelerisque facilisis massa. Etiam elementum dignissim magna, ut volutpat odio ultrices nec.
Praesent laoreet laoreet lorem non commodo. Integer porta ornare magna, in rhoncus ante commodo et. Vivamus at erat et felis posuere sodales. Nullam mattis viverra orci, vel ornare sapien pharetra at. Nunc vitae eros nec tortor dictum faucibus nec at massa. Curabitur lacus diam, porta a viverra vitae, egestas in elit.